Lab Guides

Each laboratory begins with theoretical questions related to the measurements. Students have to be able to answer the questions in order to begin the measurement. If somebody is not prepared for the measurement properly, he/she should repeat the measurement. The test questions are included in the lab. guides or can be found as an auxiliary file.

To access the full list of laboratory guides, you need a BME authentication. To get a BME authentication user name and password, this webside should be visited (Neptun code and password is required). You get an email address and password which can be used to login the webside of the department.

You can login after performing the following steps:

  • Go back to the home of the website of the department (
  • Top right corner click on: "Bejelentkezés"  (login)
  • Click to: "BME Címtár bejelentkezés" (BME authentication login)
  • Set the checkbox "Tudomásul vettem a felhasználói tudnivalókat" (Accept the terms and conditions).
  • Click on the button "Küldés" (send)
  • If you can download this document, your registration is OK.

After you have loged in, all of the laboratory guides are available. Please make the registration on the first week!

Please download the lab. guides and other documents at least one week before the measurements, so you can prepare for the measurement, and you have enough time searching for references, and lecture notes from previous semesters required for the preparation. We can not guarantee that we can solve any problems of webservices at weekend (in practice: try to avoid such situations when somebody want to download the teaching materials at Sunday night for Monday, but he/she can not access them because of some problems of webservices).

After you have loged in, all of the laboratory guides are available. A separate page exists for all of the measurements that are listed below.

You can find here a general report skeleton file for the measurements where no dedicated report skeleton exist.

If some embedded videos don't open in the web browser automatically by clicking on the link, please copy and paste its web link into your browser.

Attached files: 
Embedded additional Web pages: 
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