
Current courses

Previous courses


BSc in Electrical Engineering / Embedded and Control Systems specialization
(From 1st September 2022)

Semester Season Subject category Subject code Subject name
1. sem. fall   - -
2. sem. spring   - -
3. sem. fall   - -
4. sem. spring Core Subject VIMIAB02 Measurement Technology
5. sem. fall Core Subject VIMIAC14 Laboratory 1
5. sem. fall Specialization Subject 3
Embedded and Control Systems spec.
VIMIAC17 Embedded Software Development
6. sem. spring Core Subject VIMIAC15 Laboratory 2
6. sem. spring Specialization Laboratory
Embedded and Control Systems spec.
??? ???
6. sem. spring Project Laboratory
Embedded and Control Systems spec.
VIMIAL05 Project Laboratory
7. sem. fall BSc Thesis Project
Embedded and Control Systems spec.
VIMIAT03 BSc Thesis Project
    Summer Internship    


BSc in Computer  Engineering / Software Engineering  specialization
(From 1st September 2022)

Semester Season Subject category Subject code Subject name
1. sem. fall Core Subject VIMIAA03 Digital Design
2. sem. spring   - -
3. sem. fall Core Subject VIMIAB03 Operating Systems
3. sem. fall Core Subject VIMIAB04 Software Engineering
4. sem. spring - - -
5. sem. fall Core Subject VIMIAC16 Artificial Intelligence
5. sem. fall Specialization Subject 3
Software Engineering spec.
VIMIAC20 Automated Software Engineering
6. sem. spring Specialization Laboratory
Software Engineering spec.
??? ???
6. sem. spring Project Laboratory
Software Engineering spec.
VIMIAL04 Project Laboratory
7. sem. fall BSc Thesis Project
Software Engineering spec.
VIMIAT02 BSc Thesis Project
    Summer Internship    


MSc in Electrical Engineering / Intelligent Embedded Systems specialization
(From 1st September 2023.)


Start in spring semester (From February 2024.)
Semester Spring / Fall Subject category Subject code Subject name
1. sem. spring Common Subject VIMIMA23 Measurement Theory
1. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject A1 VIMIMA20 Perception and Signal Processing
1. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Subject A - -
1. sem. spring Project Laboratory 1 VIMIML12 Project laboratory 1
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Laboratory A1 VIMIMA21 Intelligent Embedded Systems Laboratory
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject A2 VIMIMA22 Embedded Artificial Intelligence
2. sem. fall Secondary Specialization Subject B - -
2. sem. fall Project Laboratory 2 VIMIML13 Project laboratory 2
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Laboratory A2 VIMIMB05 Embedded Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject B VIMIMB06 Applications of Data Processing
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject C - - *
3. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Laboratory A - -
3. sem. spring Diploma Thesis Design 1 VIMIMT12 Diploma Thesis Design 1
4. sem. fall Diploma Thesis Design 2 VIMIMT13 Diploma Thesis Design 2


Start in fall semester (From 1st September 2023.)
Semester Spring / Fall Subject category Subject cohe Subject name
0. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject A2 VIMIMA22 Embedded Artificial Intelligence
0. sem. fall Project Laboratory 1 VIMIML12 Project laboratory 1
1. sem. spring Common Subject VIMIMA23 Measurement Theory
1. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject A1 VIMIMA20 Perception and Signal Processing
1. sem. spring Main Specialization Laboratory A2 VIMIMB05 Embedded Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
1. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Subject A - -
1. sem. spring Project Laboratory 2 VIMIML13 Project laboratory 2
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Laboratory A1 VIMIMA21 Intelligent Embedded Systems Laboratory
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject C VIMIMB07 Safety Critical Embedded Systems *
2. sem. fall Secondary Specialization Subject B - -
2. sem. fall Diploma Thesis Design 1 VIMIMT12 Diploma Thesis Design 1
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject B VIMIMB06 Applications of Data Processing
3. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Laboratory A - -
3. sem. spring Diploma Thesis Design 2 VIMIMT13 Diploma Thesis Design 2
  * Only in fall semester!


MSc in Computer Engineering / Data Science and Artifical Intelligence specialization
(From 1st September 2023.)


Start in spring semester (From February 2024.)
Semester Spring / Fall Subject category Subject cohe Subject name
1. sem. spring Common Subject VIMIMA26 Formal Methods
1. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject A1 VIMIMA27 Machine Learning
1. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Subject A - -
1. sem. spring Project Laboratory 1 VIMIML10 Project Laboratory 1
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Laboratory A1 - -
2. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject A2 - -
2. sem. fall Secondary Specialization Subject B - -
2. sem. fall Project Laboratory 2 VIMIML11 Project Laboratory 2
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Laboratory A2 - -
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject B VIMIMB09 Intelligent Data Analysis and Decision Support
3. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject C VIMIMB10 Trustworthy AI and Data Analysis **
3. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Laboratory A - -
3. sem. spring Diploma Thesis Design 1 VIMIMT10 Diploma Thesis Design 1
4. sem. fall Diploma Thesis Design 2 VIMIMT11 Diploma Thesis Design 2


Start in fall semester (From 1st September 2023.)
Semester Spring / Fall Subject category Subject cohe Subject name
1. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject A2 - -
1. sem. fall Project Laboratory 1 VIMIML10 Project Laboratory 1
2. sem. spring Common Subject VIMIMA26 Formal Methods
2. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject A1 VIMIMA27 Machine Learning
2. sem. spring Main Specialization Laboratory A2 - -
2. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Subject A - -
2. sem. spring Project Laboratory 2 VIMIML11 Project Laboratory 2
3. sem. fall Main Specialization Laboratory A1 - -
3. sem. fall Main Specialization Subject C - - **
3. sem. fall Secondary Specialization Subject B - -
3. sem. fall Diploma Thesis Design 1 VIMIMT10 Diploma Thesis Design 1
4. sem. spring Main Specialization Subject B VIMIMB09 Intelligent Data Analysis and Decision Support
4. sem. spring Secondary Specialization Laboratory A - -
4. sem. spring Diploma Thesis Design 2 VIMIMT11 Diploma Thesis Design 2
  ** Only in spring semester!
  - Data Science and Artifical Intelligence spec.
  - Software Engineering spec.


EIT Digital Master School / Embedded Systems Track / Embedded Artificial Intelligence
(From: 2024)

Embedded Artificial Intelligence - Curriculum

3rd Semester - Compulsory Courses (26 ECTS)

4th Semester - Compulsory Courses (25 ECTS)

Elective Courses (two from the following set, min. 9 ECTS)


Autonomous vehicle control engineer MSc




Previous courses

BSc in Electrical Engineering
(Last enrolment: 2021 fall)

BSc in Computer Engineering
(Last enrolment: 2021 fall)


MSc in Electrical Engineering
(Last enrolment: 2023 spring)

MSc in Computer Engineering
(Last enrolment: 2023 spring)


EIT Digital Master School - Embedded Systems Track - Critical Embedded Systems specialization
(Up to: 2023)


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