Design and Integration of Embedded Systems

Course coordinator

A munkatárs fényképe
habilitated associate professor
Szoba: IB421
+36 1 463-3598
Email: majzik (*) mit * bme * hu


A munkatárs fényképe
habilitated associate professor
Szoba: IB421
+36 1 463-3598
Email: majzik (*) mit * bme * hu
A munkatárs fényképe
Szoba: IE336
+36 1 463-2066
Email: scherer (*) mit * bme * hu


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The aim of the subject is the presentation of the basic methods that are needed for the systematic development of embedded systems. First the following topics are discussed: development life cycle models (e.g., V-model, iterative models), quality assurance, project planning, requirements traceability, version control and configuration control methods. Among system development methods, the subject presents the hardware-software co-design and component integration techniques, based on the previously studied technologies and building blocks, emphasizing also the model-based design approaches.
The subject also covers the specific design methods for safety-critical embedded systems in which the malfunctions may lead to hazards, or in case of given environmental conditions even to accidents or damages. Such safety-critical systems are used for example in transportation, vehicles, medical equipment or process control systems. The students will be familiar with the architectural concepts (that are often referred in related standards), the techniques of safety and dependability analysis (that are needed to assess the design decisions), as well as the techniques of systematic verification. The exercises present concrete tools and techniques to support the typical tasks in requirement management, configuration control, source code analysis, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, hazard analysis and model based design.

In the fall semester of the academic year 2023/24, course material will be available in the Moodle system of the faculty:

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