
The Department has three research groups pursuing research and development in various fields of engineering and information systems, with partly overlapping R&D activities. The main common activity area of BME MIT is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); this is the common ground for the research groups.

The Department developed an end-to-end demonstrator for smart & trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems, which synergistically integrates recent advances from knowledge-based engineering, model-driven planning and exploration, and reconfigurable intelligent services with Quality of Service guarantees. The whole system is deployed over a cloud infrastructure with the additional benefit to interact with the physical world to gather sensor information and to access actuators. The framework provides dynamic access to services for many users, computation capability, dynamic resource allocation and reallocation at run-time, support for application development by means of a knowledge base. High level of virtualization provides interoperability across the diverse network of embedded nodes. The demonstrator is a smart office environment equipped with many sensors, actuators, embedded computers and servers, where different users with different roles (owner of the infrastructure, company renting the office, employees) may develop their own applications utilizing the same cyber-physical framework.


Embedded Systems Group

The Embedded Systems Group maintains the traditional research activities of the Department in signal processing: acoustic research, power spectrum estimation in the presence of data loss, ADC testing, compensation of linear and non-linear distortion of sensors and measurement systems, non-invasive blood pressure measurement with increased reliability.

The Network Embedded Systems Laboratory (NESlab) of the group has acquired competencies in the field of observer based surveillance systems, industrial and automotive applications of real-time embedded networking (CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, Ethernet, IEEE 1588 precision clock synchronization, AVB, and Time Sensitive Networks), testing and verification of embedded systems, wired and wireless sensor networks, large-scale sensor integration.

Two recent R&D projects should be highlighted: Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems (R5-COP, 2014–2017), and Investigation of Optimal Parameter Estimation Methods (OTKA 2015–2018).

The group has intensive cooperation with many electrical and electronic R&D companies like Robert Bosch Ltd., Intel, Ericsson, National Instruments, OMICRON Lab, Silicon Laboratories, Texas Instruments, TTTech Computertechnik AG, Zodiac Data Systems GmbH, and ThyssenKrupp Presta Hungary Ltd.

Critical Systems Group

The research activity of the Critical Systems Research Group (formerly Fault Tolerant Systems Group | ftsrg) extends over the following main fields.

  • Developing critical systems: methods and tools for model-based development of critical and cyber-physical systems.
  • Verification and testing: application of formal methods and model-based testing to verify functional and extra-functional (dependability, performance, safety) properties of critical services and systems.
  • Empirical systems design: analysing performance and dependability requirements, benchmarking and fault modeling.

The successful R&D activity of the group is hallmarked by involvement in the following recent or on-going projects: Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems (ADVANCE, 2019-2022), Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems (R5-COP, 2014-2017), Scalable Modelling and Model Management on the Cloud (MONDO, 2014-2016),  CErtification of CRItical Systems (CECRIS, 2013-2016), Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core systems (CONCERTO, 2013-2016), and host of the MTA-BME “Lendület” 2015 Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems.

Active and recent industrial collaboration of the group includes thyssenkrupp, Ericsson, Prolan, IncQueryLabs, Quanopt and CERN.

For more details, see the website of the group.

Intelligent Systems Group

The Intelligent Systems Group is competent and dedicated to research in ambient intelligent systems, heterogeneous information processing, data analysis, medical image analysis, modelling complex systems, bioinformatics, and biomedical informatics.

In the recent years, the group was involved in the following projects: Development of low-dose radiological chest imaging system based on the principle of digital tomosynthesis extended with and computer aided diagnostic capability (2013-2015), Measuring and Maintaining Mental Wellness (M3W, AAL Joint Programme 2011-2015), Decision Support and Intelligent Automation of Next-Generation Sequencing Workflows (OTKA, 2015-2018), Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems (R5-COP 2014-2017).

Co-operating partners helped in the field of medical image processing: Innomed Medical Co, Semmelweis University Pulmonological Department; in the field of genomic investigations: Csertex Ltd., Semmelweis University; in the field of smart homes: eNET Ltd.

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