About our department

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (successor of Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems) is intent on sustaining the harmony of education, research and professional activities. We concentrate on research stimulating both educational and professional activities in a university.

The Department delivers dependable and intelligent services, devices, technologies and tools for smart and trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) to turn embedded systems into smart objects of everyday life by tightly integrating smart computation, communication and signal processing approaches with physical processes of different nature (e.g., electrical, mechanical or biological) executed over Internet-of-Things. Our focus includes foundational research to provide core insights, algorithms and techniques as well as applied research to develop or innovatively exploit existing technologies and deliver business value in multiple application domains.

Our competences are utilized in our educational activities as well as in research and development projects.

  • Artificial Intelligence: machine learning, Big Data analysis (statistical exploratory and confirmatory), decision support systems, optimization and simulation, semantic knowledge representation & query processing, data and knowledge fusion (logic/systems/kernel-based);
  • Sensing and signal processing: intelligent medical image processing (X-ray image analysis), real-time signal processing (video and radar), biomedical sensing (blood pressure, motion-based monitoring), digital signal processing with acoustic applications (active noise control, digital sound synthesis), calibration (ADC testing), intelligent sensors, modelling complex systems;
  • Systems & software engineering concepts: model-based design, hardware-software co-design, verification & validation, testing, fault tolerance, deployment automation, runtime monitoring, certification;
  • Operating systems and middleware: embedded, real-time and dependable operating systems and middleware technologies, embedded and real-time Linux, system and application software for distributed and/or heterogeneous hardware architectures;
  • Computational technologies: distributed computing over the Cloud, microcontrollers and application processors, high-performance computation by reconfigurable FPGAs, DSP processors, computational biomedicine;
  • Communication technologies: Ethernet and TCP/IP, real-time networks (AVB, TSN), sensor networks, IoT, automotive & avionics communication protocols & architecture (AUTOSAR, ARINC653), protocols for smart devices (MQTT) & Internet, precision clock synchronization;
  • Infrastructure technologies: Carrier-grade Cloud, Educational Cloud (Apache VCL), virtualization, heterogeneous embedded computing (CPU, GPU, FPGA);
  • Tools for engineering CPS: domain-specific modelling frameworks, model and code generation, verifiers, simulators, tool qualification, open source software projects;
  • Application domains: ambient-assisted living, bioinformatics & biomedical, business intelligence and optimization, critical embedded systems (automotive, avionics, railway), Industrial Internet of Things, IT systems infrastructure, telecommunications (infrastructure & software technology).
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