
Course requirements:

Three homeworks, obligatory, min.40%, 3x15 points

Midterm test, obligatory, min.40%, 0-60 points

Optional minor homeworks in 13 topics, 13 points

Overall (118points)

–44<: satisfactory (minimums from midterm and grand homeworks)
–55<: fair
–75<: good
–90<: excellent


Wednesday, 8.30-10.00,, IE.224 (building I, wing E, 2nd floor)

Friday, 8.30-10.00, IE.224 (building I, wing E, 2nd floor)

Contact hour: Monday, 9.00-10.00, IE.423 (building I, wing E, 2nd floor)


S. Russell and P. Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Prentice Hall, 2003, Second Edition

Homework guide: here (deadline for submission: 11th of December), see your consultant/contact: here

Updated BayesCube manual: here

BayesCube for XP/Win7/Win8, LINUX and Macintosh is available, please regularly check for the latest versions (and manual): here.

A special overview to support the solution of the homework.

Attached files: 
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