
Az előadások anyaga - 2013 (a leginkább ajánlott linkeket a jegyzetanyagban lehet megtalálni.

Az félév első felének anyaga (Pataki Béla, illetve Györke Péter) alapvetően az előadás anyagával egyezik meg. A Györke Péter által bemutatott esettanulmányokból nem lesz kérdés a zh-n. Mindamellett az anyaga megtalálható az alábbi linken:

Szenzorhálózatok alkalmazási területei (Györke Péter pptx)

További, az előadás ezen részéhez kapcsolódó irodalmak:

Jelek szegmentálása

Szenzorfúzió (egy tananyag fejezet)

Szenzorfúzió (4 gyakorló feladat)

Térbeli és időbeli következtetés (egy tananyag fejezet)

Időbeli következtetés (egy cikk)

Tipikus (érdekes) minták felismerése idősorokban

Szokatlan (kiugró) értékek, illetve az idősor viselkedésének változását jelző pontok detektálása

Abnormális (tipikustól eltérő) minták felismerése heterogén idősorokban

Bevezető ágensekről

Az ambiens intelligenciáról, általános bevezető (egybe), frissebb

Intelligens terekről

Emberi aktivítások tanulása intelligens tér adaptív szabályozásához

Emberi aktivítások tanulása intelligens tér adaptív szabályozásához


Kontextus-érzékeny számítástechnika, rövidebb ppt + esettanulmányok, emlékeztető követésről

Anomáliák keresése idősorokban, SAX reprezentáció, anomáliakeresés, hotsax

Terv szintű aktivításfelismerés.

Irodalom- és linkgyújtemény (kitekíntő, tájékoztató jellegű, a témával kapcsolatos esetleges további egyetemi munkákhoz)

(még nem hozzáférhető, felfrissítés alatt!)

Sensor fusion

Principles and Techniques for Sensor data Fusion
Sensor Data Fusion for Context Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory (PhD disszertáció)
Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer fusion
Sensor Fusion Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
Sensor Fusion Using Dempster-Shafer Theory II: Static Weighting and Kalman Filter-like Dynamic Weighting
Algebra of Dempster-Shafer evidence accumulation

Ambient intelligence, intellligent spaces

The n.1 web site for Ambient Intelligence ...
Ambient Intelligence/ elektronikus könyv 
Fluid Interfaces Group (formerly Ambient Intelligence Group, MIT Media Lab) 
Smart Houses, Rooms & Appliances, AAAI Topics 
Seminar: Intelligent Spaces, TU Dortmund 
Ambient-Oriented Programming, uj programozási paradigma, VUB 
Ambient Intelligence Lab, CMU 
Siemens, Rest and Nursing Homes 
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 
PEIS Ecology - Ecology of Physically Embedded Intelligent Systems, 
MIT Project Oxygen 
Aware Home 
European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence, ERCIM NEWS, Nr 47 Oct 2001, 
OZONE: New Technologies and Services for Emerging Nomadic Societies, 
EUNICA: iExtensible Universal control of Appliances intelligent household system, 
inHaus: innovation Center for the Intelligent House, Duisburg, 
Living Room: Tampere University of Technology,
Learning and Interactions in Proactive Spaces (LIPS), 
Wireless Wellness Monitor, VTT
Wireless Wellness Monitor II (WWM II) Software Architecture, VTT Information Technology 
Adaptive House, ACHE - Adaptive Control of Home Environments
Lessons from an Adaptive Home,
An intelligent environment must be adaptive
The neural network house: An overview 
The neural network house: An environment that adapts to its inhabitants,
The Neurothermostat: Predictive optimal control of residential heating systems,
Intelligent Home 
The PlaceLab
PlaceLab: A House_n + TIAX Initiative 
IBM Context Sphere environment for developing and executing context-sensitive applications, 
CALO: Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes 
COGAIN: network of excellence on Communication by Gaze Interaction 
Domotic House Gateway 
Sougdo City: A Master Plan Inspired By The World 
U-City, Korea Leading Global u-City 
ALADIN – Ambient Lighting Assistance for an Ageing Population, 
University of Florida Gator-Tech Smart House
The Gator Tech Smart House: A Programmable Pervasive Space, Computer March 2005, 
Siemens Smart Home, 
Smart Kindergarten 
X10 – offical website. 
Web sites for other smart homes and smart technology, 
RoboCare: to build a multi-agent system which generates user services for human assistance, 
Smart House Projects 
Taxonomy of Smart Houses 
Intelligent Houses Animated Scenarios
Key Technologies for Intelligent House Implementations, 
The Intelligent Room, MIT 
Biosphere 2,, 


New Research Challenge Persuasive Technology to Motivate Healthy Aging
Vitaphone TeleCare Infokarte 
The Independent LifeStyle Assistant (I.L.S.A.): Deployment Lessons Learned
The Independent LifeStyle Assistant (I.L.S.A.): AI Lessons Learned
User Modelling in Ambient Intelligence for Elderly and Disabled People 
An Ambient Assisted Living System for Telemedicine with Detection of Symptoms
Activity Recognition for Context-aware Hospital Applications: Issues and Opportunities for the Deployment of Pervasive Networks
The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.): Lessons Learned
A Pervasive Computing System for the Operating Room of the Future
Living Assistance Systems - An Ambient Intelligence Approach
HYCARE: A Hybrid Context-Aware Reminding Framework for Elders with Mild Dementia
GerAmi: Improving Healthcare Delivery in Geriatric Residences
An Approach to and Evaluations of Assisted Living Systems Using Ambient Intelligence for Emergency Monitoring and Prevention
The use of brain-computer interfacing for ambient intelligence
Ambient Interfaces for Elderly People at Home
A Living Lab for Ambient Assisted Living in the Municipality of Schwechat
Audiovisual Sensing of Human Movements for Home-Care and Security in a Smart Environment
Social Rhythms and Nocturnal Routines in Community Dwelling Older Adults


A Component-Based Ambient Agent Model for Assessment of Driving Behaviour
A Generic Topology for Ambient Intelligence
A Multi-agent Approach to Controlling a Smart Environment (MavHome projekt)
A Multi-dimensional Model for Task Representation and Allocation in Intelligent Environments
A Policy Language for a Pervasive Computing Environment
Adaptive Estimation of Emotion Generation for an Ambient Agent Model
Adding Intelligence to Ubiquitous Computing Environments (iDorm projekt)
Agent Patterns for Ambient Intelligence
Mobile Agents for Ambient Intelligence
Agents Visualization in Intelligent Environments
Building Brains for Rooms: Designing Distributed Software Agents (Scatterbrain projekt)
Causal Reasoning for Alert Generation in Smart Homes
Creating an Ambient-Intelligence Environment Using Embedded Agents (iDorm projekt)
Design Principles for Intelligent Environments
Inhabited intelligent environments (iDorm, iDorm-2 projekt)
Interface agents: A review of the field
Learning Temporal Relations in Smart Home Data (MavHome projekt)
Rascal - a Resource Manager For Multi Agent Systems In Smart Spaces
Realtime Role Coordination For Ambient Intelligence (PEACH - aktiv muzeum projekt)
Software Agents for Ambient Intelligence
Spatiotemporal Reasoning for Smart Homes
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Context Awareness
Spatial and Temporal Reasoning for Ambient Intelligence Systems
Temporal Constraints with Multiple Granularities in Smart Homes
Using Interval-Based Reasoning in Smart Homes
Using Event Calculus for Behaviour Reasoning and Assistance in a Smart Home
Keeping the Resident in the Loop: Adapting the Smart Home to the User

AmI - general

Ambient Intelligence: Changing Forms of Human-Computer Interaction and their Social Implications
Ambient Intelligence. Paving the way ..., COST Office, 2008
Ambient Intelligence—the Next Step for Artificial Intelligence
Analysis of AmI Scenarios. Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence (SWAMI)
Discussion on Robin Milner’s First Computer Journal Lecture: Ubiquitous Computing: Shall We Understand It?
Scenarios for Ambient Intellligence in 2010, ISTAG
Threats in future AmI Applications: First evidence

Fuzzy learning  and control

Using FML and Fuzzy Technology in Adaptive Ambient Intelligence Environments
Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for Pattern Classification: A Review
Monitoring the State of a Ubiquitous Robotic System: A Fuzzy Logic Approach
Design Of Fuzzy Controllers
A Fuzzy Incremental Synchronous Learning Technique for Embedded-Agents Learning and Control in Intelligent  Inhabited Environments (iDorm)
Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Made Simple
A type-2 fuzzy embedded agent to realise ambient intelligence in ubiquitous computing environments
Type 2 fuzzy sets and systems. An Overview
Proactive Fuzzy Control and Adaptation Methods for Smart Homes
The WM Method Completed: A Flexible Fuzzy System Approach to Data Mining
A Third-Generation Telecare System using Fuzzy Ambient Intelligence
A Fuzzy Based Architecture for Learning Relevant Embedded Agents Associations
An Intelligent Fuzzy Agent Approach for Realising Ambient Intelligence in Intelligent Inhabited Environments
Generating Fuzzy Rules by Learning from Examples
An Incremental Adaptive Life Long Learning Approach for Type-2 Fuzzy Embedded Agents in Ambient Intelligent Environments


HOT SAX: Efficiently Finding the Most Unusual Time Series Subsequence
Experiencing SAX: a Novel Symbolic Representation of Time Series
HOT SAX: Finding the Most Unusual Time Series Subsequence: Algorithms and Applications
Detecting Time Series Motifs Under Uniform Scaling
A Novel Bit Level Time Series Representation with Implications for Similarity Search and Clustering
A Symbolic Representation of Time Series, with Implications for Streaming Algorithms
Visualizing and Discovering Non-Trivial Patterns In Large Time Series Databases
Probabilistic Discovery of Time Series Motifs
SAX home page

Context computing and management

A Location Model for Ambient Intelligence
Context Driven Observation of Human Activity
Explanations and Context in Ambient Intelligent Systems
Location Aware Resource Management in Smart Homes
Semantic-level Understanding of Human Actions and Interactions using Event Hierarchy
SOUPA: Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications
Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-Awareness
Towards an extensible context ontology for Ambient Intelligence

Natural language interfaces

A Reliable Natural Language Interface to Household Appliances, IUI’03, January 12–15, 2003, Miami, Florida, USA.
Human-Computer Interaction: Overview on State of the Art, INTER. J. ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2008
menu2dialog, 2nd IJCAI Workshop on KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING IN PRACTICAL DIALOGUE SYSTEMS, August 5, 2001, Seattle
Reasoning in Attempto Controlled English, Technical Report ifi-2002.01
Towards a Theory of Natural Language Interfaces to Databases, IUI ’03 Miami, Florida USA
UIML: An Appliance-Independent XML User Interface Language 

Sensor Web

White Paper, Creation of Specific SensorML Process Models, January 27th, 2006 (Draft), Earth System Science Cent. - NSSTC, Univ. of Alabama (UAH)
Observations and Measurements, OGC 05-087r4
OGC Sensor Web Enablement: Overview and High Level Architecture, S. Nittel, A. Labrinidis, and A. Stefanidis (Eds.): GSN 2006, LNCS 4540, pp. 175–190, 2008.
OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards, Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol.71, Issue 9, Sept 2006, pp.698-706
OpenGIS Sensor Model Language (SensorML) Implementation Specification, OGC 07-000
OpenGIS Sensor Web Enablement Architecture Document, OGC 06-021r1
OGC Sensor Alert Service Candidate Implementation Specification, OGC 06-028r3
Sensor Observation Service, OGC 05-088r1
OpenGIS Sensor Planning Service, OGC 05-089r1
Sensor Web: Open Standards Infrastructure for the Community 
Tutorial I: Using SensorML to describe a Complete Weather Station, Feb 27th, 2006, Earth System Science Cent. - NSSTC, Univ. of Alabama (UAH)
Sensor Model Language (SensorML): XML-Based Language for In-situ and Remote Sensors, NIST Workshop on Data Exchange Standards at the Jobsite, May 29, 2003

Smart House

Perspectives of ambient intelligence in the home environment, Telematics and Informatics 22 (2005) 221–238
Designing a Home of the Future, Pervasive computing, April–June, 2002
How Smart are our Environments? An Updated Look at the State of the Art, Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2007
Temporal Pattern Discovery for Anomaly Detection in a Smart Home, Proc. of the 3rd IET Int. Conf. on Intell. Environments (IE 07), Germany, Sept 2007
Mining Sensor Data in Smart Environment for Temporal Activity Prediction, ACM KDD’07, August 12–15, 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Smart Homes Can Be Smarter, J.C. Augusto and C.D. Nugent (Eds.): Designing Smart Homes, LNAI 4008, pp. 1–15, 2006.
The Role of Prediction Algorithms in the MavHome Smart Home Architecture, IEEE Wireless Communications, Dec 2002

Sensors - Devices - HCI

Accessing Ambient Intelligence through Devices with Low Computational and Communication Power
Adaptive Interfaces for Supportive Ambient Intelligence Environments, K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.): ICCHP 2008, LNCS 5105, pp. 30–37, 2008.
Ambient Compass: One Approach to Model Spatial Relations, V.G. Duffy (Ed.): Digital Human Modeling, HCII 2009, LNCS 5620, pp. 183–191, 2009.
Ambient Intelligence and Multimodality, C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part II, HCII 2007, LNCS 4555, pp. 33–42, 2007.
Ambient Intelligence: Towards Smart Appliance Ensembles, M. Hemmje et al. (Eds.): E.J. Neuhold Festschrift, LNCS 3379, pp. 261–270, 2005.
An Experience with Augmenting a Mirror as a Personal Ambient Display, S. Lee et al. (Eds.): APCHI 2008, LNCS 5068, pp. 183 – 192, 2008.
Bayesian Reasoning for Sensor Group-Queries and Diagnosis, R. Kotagiri et al. (Eds.): DASFAA 2007, LNCS 4443, pp. 522–538, 2007
Bi-Fi: An Embedded Sensor/System Architecture for Remote Biological Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
Building a Sensor Ontology: A Practical Approach Leveraging ISO and OGC Models
End User Tools for Ambient Intelligence Environments: An Overview, Human-Computer Interaction, Part II, HCII 2007, LNCS 4551, pp. 864–872, 2007.
Engaging Personas and Narrative Scenarios, Lene Nielsen, PhD Dissertation, 2004, copenhagen business school
Fault-Tolerant Self-organization in Sensor Networks, V. Prasanna et al. (Eds.): DCOSS 2005, LNCS 3560, pp. 191–205, 2005.
Gaze as a Supplementary Modality for Interacting with Ambient Intelligence Environments, C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part II, HCII 2007, LNCS 4555, pp. 848–857, 2007.
Human-Based Sensing – Sensor Systems to Complement Human Perception, Int. J. on Smart Sensing and Intell. Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2008
Human-Computer Interaction: Overview on State of the Art, Int. J. on Smart Sensing and Intell. Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2008
Hyper-Reality: Amplifying Everyday Sensory Experience 
Lessons Learned Using Ubiquitous Sensors for Data Collection in Real Homes, CHI 2004, 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria
Living with Hyper-reality, Y. Cai and J. Abascal (Eds.): Ambient Intelligence in Everyday Life, LNAI 3864, pp. 130 – 141, 2006.
Ontology-driven Adaptive Sensor Networks 
Patient Sensors: A Data Quality Perspective, S. Helal et al. (Eds.): ICOST 2008, LNCS 5120, pp. 54–61, 2008.
Routing and Data Dissemination, Self-Organizing Sensor Networks, M. Bubak et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2004, LNCS 3038, pp. 1233–1240, 2004.
Sensor networks for continuous health monitoring, BT Technology Journal, Vol 22, No 3, July 2004
Sensor networks: an overview, IEEE Potentials April/May 2003
Smart-Its Friends: A Technique for Users to Easily Establish Connections between Smart Artefacts 
The Pervasive Sensor, H. Murakami et al. (Eds.): UCS 2004, LNCS 3598, pp. 1 – 9, 2005.


Problems with Intent Recognition for Elder Care
Logic Programming, Abduction and Probability, a top-down anytime algorithm for estimating prior and posterior probabilities
Partial Observability and Probabilistic Plan/Goal Recognition
Plan Recognition in Intrusion Detection Systems 
Plan-Based Configuration of an Ecology of Robots
Probabilistic Horn abduction and Bayesian networks 
Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Hostile Agents
Recognizing Plan/Goal Abandonment 
Representing diagnostic knowledge for probabilistic Horn abduction
Formal theory of plan recognition and its implementation (logika)

Fuzzy C-means klaszterezés ppt, wiki
Kálmán-szűrők bevezetés, Kálmán R. eredeti cikke


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