Lecture notes
General resources and other literatures
Textbook: Bishop, Ch: Pattern recognition and machine learning, Springer, 2006.
Hastie-Tibshirani-Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning. Data mining, inference and prediction, second edition, Springer, 2009.
Gareth James•Daniela Witten•Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani An Introduction to Statistical Learning, corrected 4th printing, with Applications in R, Springer, 2014.
Useful additional material can be found: http://www.r-bloggers.com/in-depth-introduction-to-machine-learning-in-15-hours-of-expert-videos/
Lectures are uploaded below.
Submitted by Horváth Gábor on 2016. October 3. 11:53 | Last updated: 2021. May 31. 07:45