Vendégelőadásra érkezik a NASA JPL munkatársa július 3-án

Július 3-án hétfőn nyilvános vendégelőadást tart egyetemünkön Sebastian Herzig, a Nasa JPL és a Georgia Tech kutatója.


Időpont és helyszín: 2017-07-03, 9:30 - 10:30, I épület IE224.


Minden érdeklődőt sok szeretettel várunk!


Cím és tartalmi kivonat:

Model-based Systems Engineering at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Past, Present, and Future
JPL has a long history of robotic space exploration missions. From Explorer 1 orbiting the Earth, to the Voyager missions leaving the solar system and the Mars Science Laboratory rover landing on Mars under rocket power, JPL’s missions are well-known across the globe and an inspiration for many young engineers. The success of these missions is often attributed to effective and rigorous systems engineering practice. With future missions expected to become increasingly more complex, a need arose for evolving existing systems engineering practices to enable better information management, incorporate automation and actively support reuse.
In this talk, JPL’s transition to Model-based Systems Engineering as well as current applications to space missions, and future directions, are described. The talk will also detail a current research and technology development effort led by the presenter, the aim of which are the introduction of design automation principles through application of model-driven engineering practice and artificial intelligence.
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