Vendégünk volt Lédeczi Ákos, a Nashville-i Egyetem professzora

Lédeczi Ákos (Vanderbilt University): Teaching Computer Programming to Novices címmel tartott előadást, 2016. szeptember 21-én. Az előadás keretében két sikeresnek bizonyult kezdeményezésüket mutatta be a minden hallgatónk, és így valamennyiünk számára kiemelten fontos programozás oktatás terén.


Teaching Computer Programming to Novices

Akos Ledeczi

Professor of Computer Engineering

Vanderbilt University


This talk will introduce two initiatives to teach computer programming to non Computer Science (CS) majors at Vanderbilt University.  First, we’ll describe the design and delivery of a highly successful massive open online course (MOOC) that uses MATLAB to teach introductory computer programming to a wide audience. The decisions behind the curriculum and assessment strategy are detailed, and the results are evaluated based on three sessions of the course that saw 80,000 active students, two million lecture views and 100,000 auto-graded programming assignment sets during the three sessions delivered in 2015. The class is currently listed as the fifth highest rated free online course out of 6000 worldwide on Class Central, a MOOC aggregator site. (


Second, we present NetsBlox, a visual programming environment for learning distributed programming principles targeted at high school students. Extending both the visual formalism and open source code base of Snap!, a Scratch variant, NetsBlox provides two accessible distributed programming abstractions to simplify the process of creating networked applications: message passing and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). These abstractions empower users to develop networked programs, including multi-player games and client-server applications. By providing networking support, NetsBlox not only allows users to learn distribute programming concepts but also makes programming more engaging by incorporating diverse services available on the web. (

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