
Semantic Annotation of Business Documents Vezető: Tamás Mészáros

In this project we are experimenting with various NLP methods and tools for document classification and information extraction tasks given by our industrial partners.

SENSUS 2009 Vezető: Dániel Varró

A Summer School teaching the topics surveyed and results obtained in the SENSORIA EU research project.

Signal processing architectures Vezető:

By today, the design of integrated circuits (ICs) has become an independent field of engineering which is separated from the IC production. The latest complex IC-s have been developed using the...

Software assessment Vezető: István Majzik

BME MIT prepares assessment reports for the Prolan Control Co. to support the MSZ EN 50128 based development of their railway control software systems.

Software diagnostics Vezető: István Majzik

In the case of environment- and data-dependent software bugs it is almost impossible to track down the error after the program stopped. Tracking the software on-line and storing its states for...

Steelconverter Vezető: Gábor Horváth

The objective of the project is to develop hybrid-neural intelligent technology to model and control complex industrial systems. The application field of the hybrid intelligent technology is...

Theory of Quantization Noise Vezető: István Kollár

Roundoff (or, in more general terms: quantization) occurs in every digital equipment. Quantities are represented by finite bit number words, so the true values need to be quantized. The...

Tracking marker trajectories Vezető: Ákos Jobbágy

The project is part of the MotAnal97 project. More information is available on that projects website:...

UML Based Process-modelling Vezető: András Pataricza

The aim of the project is harmonising the design process of embedded industrial control systems and the modern software engineering methods, as well as promoting the reliability of these systems...

Verification of FT systems Vezető: István Majzik

Computer systems with high safety requirements are extensively used in our everyday life (e.g. traffic control systems, power plants). The high level of dependability these systems require is hard...

Verification of UML-based models Vezető: András Pataricza

The main objective of the proposed research is the development of a methodology for the automatic validation and verification of dependable systems described by means of UML. The framework of the...

Virtual Research Laboratory Vezető: Gábor Péceli

A new COPERNICUS Project 977133 (Microelectronics Virtual Laboratory for Cooperating in Research and Knowledge Transfer) VILAB has been set up to create a Virtual Laboratory for cooperation in...

Watchdog processor for PC Vezető: István Majzik

In the recent years - especially in medical or industrial applications - the demand for dependable systems is increasing. One method of failure recognition is to make a subsystem which monitors...

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