
Chaotic Nonlinear Circuits Vezető:

The goal of OTKA Project is to develop chaotic circuits and detection algorithms that makes possible the implementation of chaotic data communication systems. The milestones of the project are as...

Chaotic Signal Processing Vezető:

The aim of the INSPECT project is to develop chaotic nonlinear dynamical solutions for applications in digital communications and signal processing which are competitive with current technology in...

Chaotic signal synthesizers Vezető:

In many telecommunications applications, the spectrum of information signal to be transmitted has to be spread over a wide frequency band. Chaotic signals can be used as spreading signals in...

Compensation of nonlinear distortions Vezető: Tamás Dabóczi

The accuracy of the measurement of time and space domain signals is limited by the measurement system. The limitations are basically due to the finite bandwidth and the nonlinearities. The...

COSMOS Vezető: Gábor Péceli

The three-year R&D project will result in a novel information technology applicable in large and complex industrial systems for process parameter monitoring, early detection and diagnosis of...

Deconvolution of Fast Pulses Vezető: Tamás Dabóczi

1. Objective. Measurement of high speed signals requires a measurement device with large bandwidth. The demands against the measurement system for calibration of high speed pulse and impulse...

Delta-Sigma A/D Converters Vezető: István Kollár

Delta-sigma digital-to-analog converters have been widely used in audio technology for the last three decades (e.g. in digital recorders, sound cards for PCs, etc.). This project aims to develop,...

Dependable IT services Vezető: István Majzik

The main objective of the research proposal is to explore the usefulness and efficacy of intelligent data processing methods in the field of fault modelling with a special emphasis on the...

DESEREC Vezető: András Pataricza

DESEREC is an Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union under the Information Society Technologies priority, strategic objective Towards a global dependability and...

DIANA Vezető: Dániel Varró

DIANA aims at contributing to the definition and standardization of the development and certification means needed to support this novel platform. The technological guidelines driving the...

Dictionary of Skills and Competencies Vezető: Tamás Mészáros

Development of a translation tool for skills and competencies to facilitate the use of European transparency tools like e.g. Europass CV, Europass Certificate Supplement, Europass Diploma...

Digital Humanities R&D Vezető: Tamás Mészáros

Within the framework of this joint effort with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences we develop methods and tools for Digital Humanities projects. More details can be found at the lab's...

DMI for Automatic Train Control Vezető: István Majzik

The SAFEDMI - Safe Driver Machine Interface (DMI) for ERTMS Automatic Train Control project aims at developing a driver machine interface according to the safety requirements of the CENELEC...

Embedded Internet Technologies Vezető: Béla Fehér

General objectives: to promote the use of new communications capabilities, specifically embedded Internet communications technology, in products and systems developed by European enterprises, to...

ETAPS 2008 conference Vezető: Dániel Varró

European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) 2008. Homepage of ETAPS 2007: http://www....

EVOCHEM7 Vezető: Béla Fehér

Development of FPGA algorithms to support drug discovry.

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