News and events

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Our department celebrated its 70th birthday with a new name

The BME VIK Department of Measurement and Information Systems celebrated the 70th anniversary of its foundation by presenting the outstanding successes of the past decades and the new research and innovation directions of the forthcoming years. In response to the evolution of the department's focus areas, we announced a name change at the event on 18 June: keeping the MIT acronym, but now, under the name of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, we will continue our successful research and teaching work.

The Critical Systems Research Group celebrates its 30th anniversary

The Critical Systems Research Group (ftsrg) at BME VIK MIT celebrated its 30th anniversary on the 4th of July. At the event, attended by more than 100 current and former colleagues, partners, and students, the group's members recalled the group's fundamental research and educational achievements. They provided insights into the latest results in blockchain, trusted data management, model-based system engineering, automatic verification, and graph generation.

BME MIT mentorship for Hyperledger Summer Internship 2021

Hyperledger – an umbrella project with the stewardship of the Linux Foundation – is organizing its blockchain-focused Summer Internship program in 2021 again. The Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems (MIT) of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is proud to announce that it will participate in the program with a mentor and mentored project – the third time in the brief history of the Summer Internship.

Dr. Béla Fehér passed away

Obituary – Associate Prof. Béla Fehér


Béla Fehér, Professor of electrical Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics passed away on Friday, October 2., 2020. His wife, daughter, son and many friends and colleagues mourn for him.

The H2020 ADVANCE project has started

The “Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems” (ADVANCE) H2020 RISE research project has started this year with the participation of researchers from our department working on the challenges of future cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are complex systems where the physical aspects are deeply integrated with the communication and computing (cyber) parts providing physical systems with new “intelligent” capabilities.

Gamma/DDS demo at EclipseCon Europe

Our department presented a demo at the IoT Playground @ EclipseCon Europe 2018 to showcase our latest developments in designing distributed, critical cyber-physical systems.

Texas Instruments (TI) has donated development systems for our education again

Texas Instruments (TI) has donated development systems supporting the educational and research activities of the department. We have received TI CC2650 Wireless Sensortags and CC2650 Wireless MCU LaunchPad Kits and they are going to be available for project subjects such as project laboratory and thesis work. Thanks for TI for the continuing support!

HiPEAC Workshop on Building Partnership

Our Department is hosting the HiPEAC Workshop on Building Partnership!

Date: 22. June 2015.

Place: Room IE 224.

Program is available in the attached PDF document.

Bone Shadow Eliminated Images of the JSRT Database

Welcome to the BME-MIT-OMR JSRT Database.

As a service to the medical imaging community, we provide the bone shadow eliminated version of the publicly available JSRT Database. The JSRT Digital Image Database is a digital Chest X-ray database, which consists of images containing lung nodules as well as negative cases, with ground truth location and diagnosis provided. 

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