Bone Shadow Eliminated Images of the JSRT Database

Welcome to the BME-MIT-OMR JSRT Database.

As a service to the medical imaging community, we provide the bone shadow eliminated version of the publicly available JSRT Database. The JSRT Digital Image Database is a digital Chest X-ray database, which consists of images containing lung nodules as well as negative cases, with ground truth location and diagnosis provided. 

Our research group is working on lung nodule detection algorithms. Bone shadow removal is an important step in our solution. We did evaluations on the JSRT Database because it became a standard in the field. As using bone shadow elimination before lesion detection turned out to be interesting to other researchers as well, we publish these images here.

Database Contents:

We ran our clavicle and rib shadow removal algorithms on the 247 images of the JSRT Database. The output is provided in the form of 16 bit PNG files. The images are zipped into one single file.



Contact: Áron Horváth

© 2013, Chest Diagnostic System Research Group, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

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