Gamma/DDS demo at EclipseCon Europe

Our department presented a demo at the IoT Playground @ EclipseCon Europe 2018 to showcase our latest developments in designing distributed, critical cyber-physical systems.

The demo featured a physical crossroad with traffic lights, the Eclipse Cyclone DDS  implementation to enable communication between the components in the system, and the tool support to verify and synthesize the source code and configuration. EclipseCon Europe is the primary industrial event of the community using and building Eclipse-based solutions, and was held in Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 23 - 25, 2018. It presents recent developments, successful industry deployments and higly innovative solutions.

The Gamma Statechart Composition Framework is a toolset to model, verify and generate code for component-based reactive systems. The framework builds on Yakindu, an open source statechart modeling tool and provides an additional modeling layer to instantiate a communicating network of statecharts. Compositionality is hierarchical, which facilitates the creation of reusable component libraries. Individual statecharts, as well as composite statechart networks can be validated and verified by an automated translation to UPPAAL, a model checker for timed automata. Once a complete model is built, designers can use the code generation functionality of the framework, which can generate Java code for the whole system. Gamma has been presented to the academic and industrial communities at prestigious events like the International Conference on Software Engineering and EclipseCon Europe.

The development of Gamma was partially supported by the EFOP 3.6.2.-16 project, the ÚNKP scholarship, and the MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems. We thank the support of Incquery Labs Ltd.

Source of pictures: EclipseCon Europe 2018 photo pool (Rémi GASCOU, Eclipse Foundation).

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