Virtuális LDC tükör-applikáció Vue.JS-ben (Virtual LDC mirror application in Vue.JS, Silicon Labs)
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Kenyhercz Attila A kiírás adatai
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önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv The task is to create a Vue.JS graphical interface, that reflects the real-time status of the WSTK development board’s main IO components, like LCD, LEDs and Buttons. Also the user interface has to enable the control of the hardware with help of buttons.The infrastructure has to be designed in a way, so that it is easy to extend to different hardware platforms, using a generic hardware meta definition.This mirror user interface will enable remote access to hardware through IP based networking. Other enabler use-case would be an easy hardware visualization at an online training.
Kovácsházy Tamás, 2023. november 8. 08:36 | Legutóbb frissítve: 2025. január 29. 23:23