Vörös András

A munkatárs fényképe


1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I. ép. IB 421
+36 1 463-3598
+36 1 463-4112
vori (*) mit * bme * hu
Személyes honlap: 


Short CV

András Vörös is an associate professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main research interest is formal methods and model-driven software and systems engineering. He received a Best Software Science paper award at ETAPS 2018. He served as a PC member of FTSCS 2016 and FTSCS 2018 (http://www.ftscs.org/), and he is a reviewer of various international conferences such as MODELS, FASE, ICGT, DSN, and SRDS. He delivered a talk at the RiSE Seminar (TU Wien) and HUSTEF 2018 (Testing Techniques for Critical Deep Learning Applications). He is a lecturer of the professional course "Model-driven system development based on UML/SysML" for industrial partners.

External links: CV, Google  Scholar

Most Important Publications

Research Interests

Model-based software and systems design:

Formal verification:

Quantitative analysis:

  • Numerical algorithms for stochastic analysis
  • Optimization techniques

Complex event processing:

  • Automaton-based approaches

Machine learning:


  • 2023 Imreh Csanád medal for tutoring
  • 2021 Master teacher gold medal
  • 2018 Best Paper Award @ ETAPS 2018
  • 2015, 2018, 2019 Award from the vice-chancellor
  • 2012 Award for the long term advisory work at the Student Scientific Forum
  • 2012 Distinction for the advisory work


Publikációs lista, tudománymetriai táblázat és szerzői oldalak:  ResearcherID  Scopus  ORCID  Google Scholar
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