System Modeling
Course coordinator
head of department, associate professor
Szoba: IE442
+36 1 463-4115 Email: gonczy (*) mit * bme * hu |
Szoba: IB 417 |
head of department, associate professor
Szoba: IE442
+36 1 463-4115 Email: gonczy (*) mit * bme * hu |
professor emeritus
Szoba: IB420
+36 1 463-3595 Email: pataric (*) mit * bme * hu |
The course overviews the design process of IT systems in a model based approach.
The goal of this course to provide solid understanding on the basic modeling tasks and tools, which are important prerequisite for other courses including application specific modeling. (e.g.) Additionally the course provides opportunity to experiment with conceptually straightforward and easy to learn tool, which can be use for simple application logic development. The participants of the course will learn the basic concepts and modeling aspects of high level, graphical tool supported, process centric modeling, verification, performance analysis and service quality assurance. The course builds on learning experience at digital technology course and you can build competence in systematic system design process. Participants will also gain experience in the process of implementing IT system through the steps of modelling exercises. Finally, they get an overview of simulation based system analysis and visual data analysis of measurement results.
The didactical goal of the course to improve the abstraction skill of the participants and lay the foundations of the upcoming courses on conceptual and motivational level.
The participant of the course who pass the requirement will:
learn the process of model development and the foundations of model based design,
be able to adequately formulate requirements, modeling the operational environment and architecture of an IT system,
gain experience in simulation based verification of discrete systems,
be able to localize bottlenecks and perform comparative analysis of possible solutions,
get an overview about practical measurement technique in computer systems,
be able to develop simple application in a model driven way with the help of code generation.