Final exam
In 2016:
According to the Neptun system. For your convenience:
1. exam: 1. week of exam period
Date: June 01, 2016
Time: 08:15-09:45
Location: IE412
Results: see in Neptun
2. exam: 2. week of exam period
Date: June 08, 2016
Time: 08:15-09:45
Location: IE412
Results: see in Neptun
3. exam: 4. week of exam period
Date: June 22, 2016
Time: 09:15-10:45
Location: IE412
Results: see in Neptun
Submitted by Dabóczi Tamás on 2014. February 13. 15:03 | Last updated: 2016. April 12. 07:57