Embedded and control systems specialization
The Embedded and Control Systems Specialization is offered by the contribution of 3 departments. The partner departments and the subjects are presented in the following links:
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
- BMEVIAUA348 Microcontroller Based Systems
- BMEVIAUAxxx Project Laboratory
- BMEVIAUAyyy Thesis Project
Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology
- BMEVIIIA349 Programmable Control and Sensor Systems
- BMEVIIIAxxx Project Laboratory
- BMEVIIIAyyy Thesis Project
Department of Measurement and Information Systems
(See also the "List of subjects" menu at the upper left corner.)
- BMEVIMIA347 Embedded and Ambient Systems
- BMEVIMIA350 Embedded and Ambient Systems Laboratory
- BMEVIMIA304 Laboratory 1.
- BMEVIMIA305 Laboratory 2.
- BMEVIMIAxxx Project Laboratory
- BMEVIMIAyyy Thesis Project
The BMEVIAUAxxx, BMEVIAUAyyy, BMEVIIIAxxx, BMEVIIIyyy, BMEVIMIAxxx, BMEVIMIAyyy are the same subject, but registered to the different partner departments. The student should select the subject according to the department of the her/his tutor.