BLE eszközök IPv6 kapcsolatai (IPv6 connectivity for Bluetooth Low Energy devices, , Silicon Labs)

Tanszéki konzulens: 
A munkatárs fényképe
associate professor
Szoba: IE334
+36 1 463-4372
Email: khazy (*) mit * bme * hu
Külső konzulens: 
Helfenbein Tamas

A kiírás adatai

A téma státusza: 
Aktív (aktuális, lehet rá jelentkezni)
Kiírás éve: 
A kiírás jellege: 
önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv

Enabling IPv6 connectivity for devices with Bluetooth Low Energy stack only could provide access to cloud services and broaden the range of IoT-enabled devices with direct device-to-cloud communication. The tasks for the applicant including the research of IPv6 over Bluetooth (6LowPAN), choosing the appropriate architecture and creating the selected gateway as well as the software modules for the provided Silicon Labs' EFR32 device using LwIP stack. The result can be demonstrated with an example application that can access a selected online service.

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