Hangulatvilágítás okos LED szallaggal (Atmosphere lighting with a smart LED strip, Silicon Labs)
Tanszéki konzulens:
associate professor
Szoba: IE334
+36 1 463-4372 Email: khazy (*) mit * bme * hu |
Külső konzulens:
Maksay Gergely A kiírás adatai
A téma státusza:
Aktív (aktuális, lehet rá jelentkezni)
Kiírás éve:
A kiírás jellege:
önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv The goal of the project is the design of a lighting system in a room. The candidate creates the hardware and software for smart LED strip controllers which can play sequences of lights (even animations) as directed by a wireless protocol such as Bluetooth Mesh. The combined effect of the LED strips would provide a cozy atmosphere in the room.
As a first step the LED driver boards would need to be designed with wireless connectivity using Silicon Labs's EFR32 chips. A WSTK development board operates the light fixtures to play a predefined sequence through a wireless protocol (Bluetooth Mesh).
Submitted by Kovácsházy Tamás on 2023. November 8. 09:41 | Last updated: 2023. November 8. 09:41