Otthon automatizálás BLE eszközökkel (Home automation with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, Silicon Labs)

Tanszéki konzulens: 
A munkatárs fényképe
associate professor
Szoba: IE334
+36 1 463-4372
Email: khazy (*) mit * bme * hu
Külső konzulens: 
Michal Bartal

A kiírás adatai

A téma státusza: 
Aktív (aktuális, lehet rá jelentkezni)
Kiírás éve: 
A kiírás jellege: 
önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv

Home automation is usually about temperature control. But it can be more sophisticated than that. Like automatically shade a room if the TV/projector is switched on for a more convenient movie experience. Or water the garden automatically based on environment data, or data used from weather forecast from the internet. The aim of this work would be to define a use-case that shows the full potential of a connected IOT smart device with a home automation, and implement it.

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