For up-to-date information check out the Artificial Intelligence VIMIAC10 Teams group:
Artificial Intelligence - BMEVIMIAC10-EN | Általános | Microsoft Teams
◦Even academic weeks: Monday 14.15-15.45, I.E220 (building I, wing E, ground floor)◦All weeks: Thursday 8.30-10.00, I.E220
Contact hour:
- by appointment
Course requirements 2024 Fall:
◦Obligatory midterm test (0-32 points)
- min.required 12.5 points (~40%),
- Note that the result of midterm retake (if taken) overrides midterm results
◦Obligatory endterm test (0-32 points)
- min.required 12.5 points (~40%),
- Note that the result of endterm retake (if taken) overrides endterm results
- Note that the result of endterm retake (if taken) overrides endterm results
◦Major homeworks
in 3 topics, max.12 points each
deadline for submission: within 3 weeks,
expected time to solve: 20 hours,
Overall 2024 Fall
Midterm + Endterm test: 64 points (max.)
Homeworks: 36 points (max.)
Total points: Midterm test + Endterm test + Homeworks
100 points (max.)
Minimum (to pass) : 40 points (out of 100)
pass (2) 40-49
average (3) 49.5-64
good (4) 64.5-79
excellent (5) 79.5-100
average (3) 49.5-64
good (4) 64.5-79
excellent (5) 79.5-100
Submitted by Dobrowiecki Tadeusz on 2016. May 5. 14:38 | Last updated: 2024. September 2. 01:48