Scheduling of the Lab
1st Lab:
- 6. Febr. 2017 (Monday),
- 17:15 - 20:00
- Measurement: M2. PCB Design, see: Lab Guides
Place: Q BP107-110 (building Q)
- course H31E: QBP 107
- your course code can be checked in the Neptun
Each student begins the semester with the second measurement. Please prepare for the this measurement as well!
The groups of students have been formed on the first measurement. The scheduling of the semester will be published on the first week.
The scheduling of the laboratory is available here.
The laboratories will be hold in building Q, laboratory rooms QPB107-110. Each measurement is allocated to a laboratory in the scheduling. Maps to the laboratories is available here.
You can follow here, your marks - it is updated at 9 pm on Monday. It will be active after the introductory measurements. It is especially important to check these marks regularry. If somebody misses a measurement, it should be marked by the instructor with mark 0. If the cell belonging to a missed measuremet is left empty, please contact the leader of the laboratory as soon as possible since repetitions are scheduled according to this table! Please contact us if some mark is given incorretly in the table!
How to interpret the scheduling
The date and dime of the measurement are given in the scheduling. In order to be able to interpret the scheduling, one should know his/her own course code, and a two digit group code (ID). The students get the group ID in the first measurement, and the code of his/her course is found in the Neptun.
An example:
A student with course code H43E and group ID 42:
- H means the day of the week in hungarian, H stands for Monday, H4 means that this is the fourth course on a day.
- H43 42 -> H4 (Monday 17.15)
- H43 42 -> Fourth course on Monday
- H43-42 -> The student is in group 4. of course H43
- H43-42 -> The student is the second member of group 4. of course H43
- H43 42 -> Measurement in column P23 g0...4 applies to the student in the attached scheduling
Theoretical final test
The test will be hold on:
* Date: 5. May, 2017.
* Time: 14:00-16:00
* Place: IB.026.
The theoretical exam covers all of the measurements that have been performed by the students during the semester (e.g., measurement methods, calculations, definitions, measurement arrangments, block diagrams, analysis of results, theoretical questions related to the measurements...). It is a written exam. Students can prepare for the exam according to the laboratory guides, the attached and referenced books and lecture notes, furthermore according to the measurement reports. The theoretical questions are related to the theoretical and practical parts of the measurements. Only paper, pen and calculator can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed materials. Mobile phones should be switched off.
Repetition of the final theoretical test:
* Date: 15. May, 2017. (Monday),
* Time: 10:00-12:00,
* Q-I
The allocation of seets is found here. The rules are the same as on the ordinal theoretical test.
Second repetition of the final theoretical test:
* Date: ?
* Time: ?
* Place: ?
The rules are the same as on the ordinal theoretical test. (If you don't know where room is located, please arrive earlier, to have enough time to find it! If somebody arrives too late, he/she is not allowed to write the test.)
Practical final test
The students have to solve one part of a randomly selected measurement. The length of the test measurement is 45 minutes. The students should be able to solve any of the measurements which were performed during the semester. Students can prepare for the practical test according to the measurement reports and lab. guides. In the practical test only the instruments and measurement boards can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed/electronic materials. Mobile phones should be switched off. The students have to solve the measurement alone. No sceleton file will be available during the measurement.
The date and time of the practical test is (the date and time of the normal measurement):
* 8. May, 2017. (Monday),
* Time: (in the time slot of the ordinar measurements)
* Place: Q-laboratories
Every student should arrive in time! We can not postpone the measurements.
Repetition of the final practical test:
* Date: ?
* Time: ?
* Place: Q-laboratories
Repetitions of the measurements
Date of the repetitions:
- May 2/4., 2017. (Tuesday/Thursday)
Please everybody read carefully these instructions, since there is one more measurement, and if somebody fails the last measurement he/she should apply immediately for repetition!
It is an important task for EVERYBODY (not only for those who should repeat any of the measurements) to check your marks on the marksheet. If somebody should repeat a measurement, he/she should have a mark 0.0 or 1.0 at that measurement, but NO empty cell should be present at any of the measurements. If anybody finds an empty cell at his/her course code in rows M1...M11, please inform György Orosz.
Scheduling of the repetitions: