Scheduling of the Lab


The scheduling of the laboratory will be available in the TEAMS group of the subject.

1st Lab:

Each student begins the semester with the first measurement. Please prepare for the first measurement as well!

The first laboratory is held on the date that is represented in the Neptun system. Each student must attend the first lab during the time of his/her course!

The groups of students will be formed on the first measurement.


How to interpret the scheduling

In order to understand and decode the scheduling table, the neptun code of the laboratory course (course code) and the number (ID) of the measurement group have to be known. The former can be known from the Neptun system while the latter will be assigned during the first measurement occasion.
Within the code, the first capital letter refers to the day (H - Monday), the first number refers to the time zone within the day, the next number refers to the number of the course within that time zone and the final number, that can take values from g0...g9 refers to the measurement team of two people. One can fully decode the scheduling and can identify which measurements must be taken on which dates and times.
The colouring of the cells refer to the room, where the measurment is held, and the number within the cell identifies the specific measurement.
  • Red - Q107, Orange - Q108, Yellow - Q109, Blue - Q110
Let us see an example for the decoding of the schedule based on the attached Schedule__EXAMPLE_FOR_DECODING table. 
  • Example: H3c -> "H" denotes the day, which is Monday, and "3" refers to the time zone, which is 16:15-20:00. The letter "c" picks the course within the day and time zone, it can have values of 1, 2, or 3 etc. (if these courses exist). The H3c can be checked in the Neptun system.
  • The "Date" column enumerates the calendar dates for each course when measurements will be held. For the H3c courses, such as H31, the third occasion is on 02.28 Monday.
  • The "Measurement Task" shows the measurements that the measurement groups will have to carry out during the given occasion. One course consists of 10 teams of 2 students enumerated as g0...g9. The teams (groups) g0...g4 and g5...g9 within the same course carry out different measurement tasks. The group code, i.e., the number of the measurement team is determined on the very first measurement occasion of the course.
  • Example: The group H31Eg2 (Monday 3rd time zone 1st course, English, group 2) will have measurement 7 on the 10th occasion (04.25 Monday, 16:15-20:00), and according to the coloring of the cell (orange), in Q 108 laboratory room. 

Theoretical final test, repetition and repetition of the repetition

The date and location of the theoretical final test and its repetition are published on the official site of the faculty (see scheduling of semester, scheduling of tests). However, this information will also be published via the TEAMS channel of the subject.

If required, a second occasion is held for the repetition of the final test. Its details will be determined and published after the first repetition. 

The theoretical exam covers all of the measurements that have been performed by the students during the semester (e.g., measurement methods, calculations, definitions, measurement arrangments, block diagrams, analysis of results, theoretical questions related to the measurements...). It is a written exam. Students can prepare for the exam according to the laboratory guides, the attached and referenced books and lecture notes, furthermore according to the measurement reports. The theoretical questions are related to the theoretical and practical parts of the measurements. Only paper, pen and calculator can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed materials. Mobile phones should be switched off during the exam.

The length of the theoretical exam is 90 minutes.


Practical final test

The students have to solve one part of a randomly selected measurement. The length of the test measurement is 45 minutes. The students should be able to solve any of the measurements which were performed during the semester. Students can prepare for the practical test according to the measurement reports and lab. guides. In the practical test only the instruments and measurement boards can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed/electronic materials. Mobile phones should be switched off. The students have to solve the measurement alone. No sceleton file will be available during the measurement.

The practical final test is held on the last week and can be retaken only once. The exact date and location will be published via th TEAMS channel.




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