
a. During the semester:

  • All of the measurements should be acomplished with success. In order to acomplish a measurement:
    • Students should prepare to the measurement according to the laboratory guides that are found on the homepage. The instructor will check at the beginning of each measurements (in the form of a short oral or written test) whether the students have prepared for the measurement correctly.
    • Students should take part on each laboratory (please arrive in time, if somebody is late, the instructor may ask him/her to repeat the measurement).
    • The measurement tasks should be performed and documented. 
    • Measurement 1-3. are introductory measurements, so students don't get any marks for these measurements. However, if somebody misses any of the measurements, or it turns out during the measurement that somebody haven't prepared for the measurement correctly, the measurement should be repeated. 
    • Measurement 4-11 are tematic measurements. Every students will get his/her own mark for each measurement. The mark is formed by taking into account:
      • result of the test at the beginning of the measuremen (t);
      • the quality of the work of the student during the measurement (w);
      • the quality of the measurement report (r);
      • the final mark for a measurement is formed as: mi = 0.4 t + 0.3*w + 0.3*r (if any of the submarks t, w, r is one, the final marks is also mi=1, i.e. the measurement should be repeated)
  • The scheduling of the measurement tasks is found on the homepage. Please follow the scheduling carefully. If somebody prepares for a wrong measurement, he/she should repeat the actual measurement.
  • At the end of the semester, written and practical tests should be accomplished (exact scheduling of the test will be publised approximately one week before the tests):
    • Written part of final test (e1): The theoretical exam covers all of the measurements that have been performed by the students during the semester (e.g., measurement methods, calculations, definitions, measurement arrangments, block diagrams, analysis of results, theoretical questions related to the measurements...). It is a written exam. Students can prepare for the exam according to the laboratory guides, the attached and referenced books and lecture notes, furthermore according to the measurement reports. The theoretical questions are related to the theoretical and practical parts of the measurements. Only paper, pen and calculator can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed materials. Mobile phones should be turned off.
    • Practical part of final test (e2): The students have to solve one part of a randomly selected measurement. The length of the test measurement is 45 minutes. The students should be able to solve any of the measurements which were performed during the semester. Students can prepare for the practical test according to the measurement reports and laboratory guides. In the practical test only the instruments and measurement boards can be used. It is not allowed to use any books, lecture notes or hand-written/printed/electronic materials. Mobile phones should be turned off. The students have to solve the measurement alone. No sceleton file will be available during the measurement.

The final mark is calculated as follows:

mark = 0.6m + 0.2e1+ 0.2e2

where m is the mean of the marks of measurements 4-11., e1is the result of theoretical test, e2is the result of practical test. The final mark is one (i.e. the subject is not accepted) if the mark of any of the measurement 1-11. is one or any of the measurement is not accoumlished or repeated with success, or any  the mark e1 and e is one. 

Repetitions during the semester:

  • During the semester, two measurements can be repeated irrespectively of the reason why these measurement were not acomplished (it is missed due to any reason, or somebody hasn't prepared correctly).
  • One measurement can be repeated only once. If somebody fails the repetition, he/she fails the whole subject. Please prepare for the repetitions thoroughly!
  • Measurements 2-3 will be repeated at the beginning of the semester, since they are useful during the other measurements.
  • Measurement 10 is repeated before measurement 11 (scheduling will be published during the semester).
  • Measurements 4-9, 11 will be repeated at the end of the semester (scheduling will be published at the end of the semester).
  • No repetition is hold for measurement 1, but students who miss this measurement are kindly asked to read carefully the datasheets of the instruments! It is also important, that if somebody misses measurement 1,  then only one other measurement can be repeated!

b. During the repeat period: written and practical tests can be repeated in this period. 

c. During the exam period: normally, all tasks related to the laboratory is finished until the exam period.

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