Mid-term exam

The Midterm will be on 2020 April 29th, Wednesday at 2PM, on the BME Moodle system. Make sure you can log into it: https://edu.vik.bme.hu/

There will be multiple choice and short answer questions, from the slides 1-12 on this site.

You will not need any paper, camera or anything, just a computer.

I have added a small grace period for starting, but the total amount of time spent on the quiz will be limited to 60 minutes.

There will be about 50 questions, some true or false, some short answer questions, and you cannot go back and edit an answer after you have submitted it.

The duration of the mid-term is 60 minutes, only a pen can be used.

The exam contains yes-no questions, a short answer section and a complex problem to solve.
There is a practice test attached to this page.

Students can get maximum 57 points. The minimal points to pass the exam is 23 (40%).

Attached files: 
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