Quantization Noise

A book on quantization noise
Nemzetközi (egyéb)
Kezdés éve: 
Prof. Bernard Widrow, Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

Tanszéki projektvezető

A munkatárs fényképe
Szoba: IE440

Tanszéki résztvevők

A munkatárs fényképe
Szoba: IE440

Contact information

István Kollár
István Kollár


1 Introduction 2 Sampling Theory 3 Probability Density Functions, Characteristic Functions, and Moments 4 Statistical Analysis of the Quantizer Output 5 Statistical Analysis of the Quantization Noise 6 Cross-Correlations between Quantization Noise, Quantizer Input, and Quantizer Output 7 General Statistical Relations among the Quantization Noise, the Quantizer Input, and the Quantizer Output 8 Quantization of Two or More Variables: Statistical Analysis of the Quantizer Output 9 Quantization of Two or More Variables: Statistical Analysis of Quantization Noise 10 Quantization of Two or More Variables: General Statistical Relations between the Quantization Noises, and the Quantizer Inputs and Outputs 11 Calculation of the Moments and Correlation Functions of Quantized Gaussian Variables 12 Spectrum of Quantization Noise and Conditions of Whiteness 13 Floating-Point Quantization 14 More on Floating-Point Quantization 15 Cascades of Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Quantizers 16 Dither 17 Roundoff Noise in FIR Digital Filters 18 Roundoff Noise in IIR Digital Filters 19 Roundoff Noise in Digital Feedback Control Systems 20 Roundoff Errors in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems - A Chaotic Example 21 Coefficient Quantization

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