NEXT TTA - High Confidence Architecture for Distributed Control Applications
EU kutatási keretprogram
Kezdés éve: 
Befejezés éve: 
Bécsi Műszaki Egyetem, Ausztria, Austriamicrosystems AG, Ausztria, Audi AG, Németország, Chalmers University of Technology, Svédország, TTTech Computertechnik AG, Ausztria, University Joseph Fourier (Verimag), Franciaország, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-Verimag), Franciaország, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG-Verimag), Franciaország, University of Ulm, Németország, University of York, Egyesült Királyság

Tanszéki projektvezető

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE436
+36 1 463-4113
Email: peceli (*) mit * bme * hu

Tanszéki résztvevők

A munkatárs fényképe
professor emeritus
Szoba: IE436
+36 1 463-4113
Email: peceli (*) mit * bme * hu

Contact information

Bécsi Műszaki Egyetem, Ausztria
Gábor Péceli


Objectives.The objective of the NEXT TTA project is to further improve the dependability and functionality of the time-triggered architecture (TTA). In particular the NEXT TTA project aims to: Enhance the dependability of the TTA by developing a new physical interconnection structure with intelligent star couplers. Integrate event-triggered and time-triggered communication within a single communication network while maintaining composability. Integrate the synchronous programming environment LUSTRE into the TTA. Develop highly automated WCET (worst case execution time) estimation algorithms. Explore the limits of a COTS implementation of the TTA in the gigabit range. Expected results. The NEXT TTA project will produce: A prototype star coupler containing algorithms to tolerate arbitrary node failures and to detect degradation of node parameters before causing a fault. Formal analysis of critical star coupler algorithms. A methodology for integration of event-triggered and time-triggered communication, demonstrated by a prototype and supported by software tools. A prototype implementation of the integration of LUSTRE into the TTA and tools for WCET analysis.

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