Model Based Test Generation
MOGENTES - Model-based Generation of Tests for Dependable Embedded Systems
EU kutatási keretprogram
Kezdés éve:
Befejezés éve:
Austrian Research Centers GmbH, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Graz University of Technology, Prolan Irányítástechnikai ZRT, Prover Technology AB, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GmbH, ReLab S.R.L. Tanszéki projektvezető
habilitated associate professor
Szoba: IB421
+36 1 463-3598 Email: majzik (*) mit * bme * hu |
Tanszéki résztvevők
habilitated associate professor
Szoba: IB421
+36 1 463-3598 Email: majzik (*) mit * bme * hu |
tudományos munkatárs
Szoba: IB421 |
Contact information
The MOGENTES - Model Driven Development of Tests for Embedded Systems project aims at significantly enhancing testing and verification of dependable embedded systems by means of automated generation of test-cases. It will address both testing of non-functional issues like reliability (by system stress and overload tests), and functional safety.
Submitted by Majzik István on 2010. August 12. 14:29 | Last updated: 2010. August 12. 14:29