Dependability and Security by Enhanced Reconfigurability (DESEREC)
EU kutatási keretprogram
Kezdés éve:
Befejezés éve:
Thales Communications (France), Thales Avionics SA (France), AEM TORINO Distribuzione SpA (Italy), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), IEIIT-CNR (Italy), EADS Defence and Security Systems (France), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (France), ExaProtect (France), IABG (Germany), Intracom (Greece), OTE (Greece), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland), RENFE (Spain), SEARCH-LAB (Hungary), SGI (Spain), Trusted Logic (France), TNO (Netherlands), University of Murcia (Spain), Communications Research Centre Canada (Canada) Tanszéki projektvezető
professor emeritus
Szoba: IB420
+36 1 463-3595 Email: pataric (*) mit * bme * hu |
Tanszéki résztvevők
PhD student
Szoba: IB414
+36 1 463-3579 Email: ahorvath (*) mit * bme * hu |
professor emeritus
Szoba: IB420
+36 1 463-3595 Email: pataric (*) mit * bme * hu |
Contact information
DESEREC is an Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union under the Information Society Technologies priority, strategic objective Towards a global dependability and security framework. The fast growth of highly interconnected Communications and Information Systems (CIS), and the use of them to carry out critical activities, has opened an important issue regarding the resilience, reliability and security of these CISs.
Submitted by Pataricza András on 2010. August 12. 14:30 | Last updated: 2010. August 12. 14:30