Data model-driven smart contract development for enterprise blockchains

Tanszéki konzulens: 
A munkatárs fényképe
tudományos munkatárs
Szoba: IB418
+36 1 463-2006
Email: klenik (*) mit * bme * hu

A kiírás adatai

A téma státusza: 
Aktív (aktuális, lehet rá jelentkezni)
Kiírás éve: 
A kiírás jellege: 
önálló labor, szakdolgozat/diplomaterv

Recently, the use of blockchain has become widespread, even in the corporate world. One of the best-known platforms is Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain solution for the corporate sector. In Hyperledger Fabric, however, there can be a significant difference between a general ledger approach capable of storing simple key-value pairs and the data representation style used to develop a smart contract. For example, Java has classes, objects, and references rather than keys and values. Currently, there are no really good tools to facilitate "object-key-value mapping," at least nothing approaching the classic Object Relational Mapping (ORM). This not only makes smart contract development difficult, but naive mapping can also lead to performance problems (e.g., logically unnecessary data access conflicts between transactions). In addition, an explicit object-oriented ledger data model would allow the introduction of data-driven constraints on the ledger's contents, either for runtime verification or development-time verification and validation. During this topic, students can get to know model-based development methods that are widely used today, an increasingly popular blockchain technology, and the potential integration of the two.

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