
Please, find the results of your assignments below!

Please note the followings:

  • Submission deadline: 23 May, 2016
  • Late submission of assignment: until the end of repeat period with applicable fees according to Code of Studies and Exams
  • Assignment cannot be submitted during exam period


Assignment details:

Dear Students,

Please pick one topic from the enumerated list below and write your name and student code after the topic via the following web-based link:


The essay title is the topic name chosen.

Please write at least 10 pages (A/4 size paper, Arial font type, 11pt font size, including max. 2 pages of block diagram, tables, pictures, etc.) at most 20 pages.

Write your essay as a whole, for instance introduction is needed to place the topic, briefly write about the main features of the processing device. Then continue with writing your chosen topic in details. At the very end make some conclusions to close the work.

Submission deadline: 23 May, 2016

Form of submission:  electronically in PDF format to
krebesz@mit.bme.hu (confirmation email should be received within 24hours)

Tamas Krebesz

Lecturer (Embedded and ambient systems)


Results of assignments:

(Hints: search for your Student code using Ctrl+F)

(Legend: GO=Accepted, NO=Rejected (=>resubmission needed), M=Missing (=>submission needed))



BM25LH - M

F3SP3I - M




A551J1 - GO

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