Exam information

Exam dates and locations in this semester

Operating system exams will be organized:

  • 2016. 06. 02., time and location will be announced later
  • 2016. 06. 09., time and location will be announced later
  • 2015. 06. 23., time and location will be announced later

It is mandatory to sing up for the exams in the NEPTUN system. We will prepare exam sheets and other materials based on this information.

Topics for 2016

You should prepare yourself based on the slides provided (see the menu on the left side of this page).

Due to changes to the curriculum, the following topics are not presented in this year:

  • Handling time in operating systems
  • uC/OS
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Windows security
  • UNIX filesystems

So you do not need to learn these topics, however, I propose to read these slides also, because there are interesting topics covered in them that could be very valuable in your professional life later.

Generic information

The exam has two parts.

The first part is a 15 minutes long short questioner. It consists 12 questions, from which you have to answer 7 correctly to be allowed to pass the exam. The results of the short questioner is not taken into account in the exam mark, i.e., it decides only if the final exam is evaluated or not (1, not sufficient).

The short questioner is followed by the exam sheet. You have 60 minutes to fill in the exam sheet. There will be more UNIX, Windows, virtualization, security, etc. questions in the exam than in the mid-term. The exam has 30 test question (1 point each), and two large questions (10 points each).

An example short questioner and exam sheet is included at the end of this page.


  • You have to show a valid identification card of yours with photo if the supervisor requests it. Passport, student card issued by BME, driver's license are accepted.
  • You need a pen only to write the exam, a spare pen is a nice thing to have. Do not use a pencil! The supervisors will give you additional sheets of paper if you need it.
  • No electronic devices, including mobile phones or packet calculator are allowed on the exam. You should put them into your bag, or any place where you cannot access it. Please, get it muted, i.e., it is very disturbing if it rings during the exam before putting them to this place. If we find a mobile phone in your clothes, etc., we will consider it as an attempt of cheating.
  • It is not necessary to fully evaluate computations, it is enough to show only the required operations. E.g., delay =  20.3/1.2 uS, the unit of the metric should not be forgotten).
  • Do not communicate with other student. On the first communication attempt we will warn you, and on the second one we will consider it as cheating.
  • It is not allowed to leave the exam without the authorization of the supervisors. If somebody leaves without it, it means that the exam is over for her/him.


Short questioner:

  • 5 points or under - Not sufficient, and it is very unlikely that this status will change, the exam mark is 1, not sufficient
  • 5.5-6.5 points - Not sufficient, but there is a chance that we have made some mistakes, come and see yourself
  • 7 points or over - Sufficient
  • 10 points or over - Congratulations, it is a nice result...

Exam marks:

  • 0-19 points: 1, not sufficient
  • 20-25 points: 2, sufficient
  • 26-31 points: 3, average
  • 32-39 points: 4, good
  • 40-50 points: 5, exceptional


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