Øystein Haugen vendégelőadása: Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems – Hypes and Challenges

A TMIT és MIT részvételével zajló Arrowhead Tools EU ECSEL kutatási projekt keretében egyetemünk vendége lesz Øystein Haugen, az Østfold University College professzora. Febuár 14-én, pénteken 9-10 óra között előadást tart "Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems – Hypes and Challenges" az IB210-es teremben. Az előadást kötetlen beszélgetés követi. Minden érdeklődőt szerettel várunk!

Abstract: The seminar will investigate the “brave new world” of Internet of Things, and its consequences in industry and everyday life.

There are hypes that we all know, such as the marvelous promises of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the beauty of digital twins, and the future of robots everywhere where the humans can relax peacefully and buy the products that Google and Amazon have picked for them, and behave the way Facebook and Instagram tell them.

We would like to examine some of the challenges that face us when our lives get automated. Your life is indeed at stake when your home and your working place is automated. Safety and security are suddenly a priority, but not always achievable. The evolution of any kind of system is accelerating, how do we cope? The new and cheap devices make a product infinitely customizable; how do we know that they satisfy our specifications? Modern systems must work 24/7, you cannot reboot a whole factory or an airport, not even your home can be easily rebooted. How do we deal with these dynamics?

What is the role of models and modeling languages in this brave new world? Is this world so “new”? What can earlier experiences tell us about our challenges?

Bio: Ø. Haugen is focused on making better systems. In particular, he has worked in the domain of real-time systems and telecommunications. He is now lecturing on modeling cyber-physical systems. He has mainly concerned himself with the software and the languages to describe systems. He has taken part in the standardization of modeling languages SDL and MSC within ITU (International Telecom Union), and UML within OMG (Object Management Group). He has led the work on sequence diagrams both in ITU and in OMG, and an effort to standardize product line descriptions (within OMG). He is now involved with the standardization of SysML v2. He has worked on methodology for engineering real-time systems as a textbook author and as a course creator.

He has moved back and forth between industry and academia focusing on industry-related solutions and standards. At the Norwegian Research Center in the eighties, he worked on 3D object-oriented graphical package, at the start-up SimTech the focus was on typographical applications, and at ABB he worked with Automatic Train Control. Seven years at Ericsson Research in Norway had several telecon-oriented projects with focus on modeling. At SINTEF he participated in a series of European projects e.g. focusing on the modeling of product lines and variability.

He has been project leader in research projects as well as in industrial contexts. He was general chair for MODELS 2010 in Oslo with more than 400 participants over a full week and he was Program Chair for the Practice and Innovation Track at MODELS 2018. Today he leads the research group for Cyber-physical System at the Faculty of Computer Science at Østfold University College. He is the national coordinator for the large ECSEL project Productive4.0, and participates also in the ECSEL project Arrowhead Tools as work package leader responsible for requirements elicitation.

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