Vince Molnár
assistant professor

Contact information
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I. ép. IB421
+36 1 463-3598
+36 1 463-4112
molnarv (*) mit * bme * hu
Personal Web page: Introduction
Short CV
Vince Molnár is an assistant professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. His main research field is model-based development and formal methods, with the primary focus on the design and verification of safety-critical systems. He is the leader of the development of the Gamma Statechart Composition Framework. He participated in the EU projects EMBrACE and ADVANCE and is the technical lead in the OpenSCALING project. He was a member of the SysML v2 Submission Team and is now leading the Conformance and Formal Methods Working Groups of OMG's Systems Modeling Community. He is an active member of the Semantics and Execution Working Groups as well.
Research Interests
Model-based software and systems design:
- UML, SysML, SysML v2
- Tool support
- Statechart composition and verification: Gamma framework
- Novel development processes
Formal verification:
- Saturation-based model checking algorithms
- Decision diagrams and abstractions
- Memory models for parallel computation (from a software verification perspective)
- Petri nets (PetriDotNet)
- Industrial application (CERN, MODES3)
Most important publications
- Levente Bajczi, András Vörös, and Vince Molnár. Will my program break on this faulty processor? - Formal analysis of hardware fault activations in concurrent embedded software. Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 18, 5s, Article 89, 2019. pp. 1–21. (Presented on the EMSOFT 2019 conference.)
- Vince Molnár, Bence Graics, András Vörös, István Majzik, and Dániel Varró. The Gamma statechart composition framework: Design, verification and code generation for component-based reactive systems. In: Michel Chaudron, Ivica Crnkovic, Marsha Chechik, and Mark Harman (eds.), Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings, ICSE 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27 - June 03, 2018, pp. 113–116. ACM, 2018.
- Vince Molnár and István Majzik. Saturation enhanced with conditional locality: Application to Petri nets. In: Susanna Donatelli and Stefan Haar (eds.), Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 40th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2019, Aachen, Germany, June 23-28, 2019, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11522, pp. 342–361. Springer, 2019.
Vince Molnár, András Vörös, Dániel Darvas, Tamás Bartha, and István Majzik. Component-
wise incremental LTL model checking. Formal Aspects of Computing 28(3), 2016, pp. 345–379. - Vince Molnár, Dániel Darvas, András Vörös, and Tamás Bartha. Saturation-based incremental LTL model checking with inductive proofs. In: Christel Baier and Cesare Tinelli (eds.), Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 21st International Conference, TACAS 2015, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2015, London, UK, April 11-18, 2015. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9035, pp. 643–657. Springer, 2015.
- Kristóf Marussy, Vince Molnár, András Vörös, and István Majzik. Getting the priorities right: Saturation for prioritised Petri nets. In: Wil M. P. van der Aalst and Eike Best (eds.), Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 38th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2017, Zaragoza, Spain, June 25-30, 2017, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10258, pp. 223–242. Springer, 2017.
- András Vörös, Dániel Darvas, Ákos Hajdu, Attila Klenik, Kristóf Marussy, Vince Molnár, Tamás Bartha, and István Majzik. Industrial applications of the PetriDotNet modelling and analysis tool. Science of Compututer Programming 157, 2018, pp. 17–40.
- András Vörös, Dániel Darvas, Vince Molnár, Attila Klenik, Ákos Hajdu, Attila Jámbor, Tamás Bartha, and István Majzik. PetriDotNet 1.5: Extensible Petri net editor and analyser for education and research. In: Fabrice Kordon and Daniel Moldt (eds.), Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 37th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2016, Toruń, Poland, June 19-24, 2016. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9698, pp. 123–132. Springer, 2016.