Kristóf Marussy

assistant professor
A munkatárs fényképe

Contact information

1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I. ép. IB417
+36 1 463-3586
+36 1 463-4112
marussy (*) mit * bme * hu


My research interests include graph generation, logic solvers, formal verification, and applying these techniques for ensuring the safety and correctness of critical systems.

  • Critical systems: Cyber-physical systems especially in the railway, automotive, and aerospace domains with stringent correctness and reliability requirements
  • Formal verification: Proving the safety and reliability of critical system designs and software components in a mathematically precise way
  • Automated reasoning: Integrating logical and numerical solvers with intelligent heuristics to answer challenging analysis questions and synthesize reliable system designs
  • Graph generation: Efficient graph-based information processing for system modeling, testing data-driven systems, and knowledge representation in autonomous systems



List of publications and author profiles:  Scopus  ORCID  Google Scholar
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