Dóra Cziborová
PhD student
Contact information
IL 405
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. I. ép. IL 405
+36 1 463-
+36 1 463-4112
cziborova (*) mit * bme * hu
Personal Web page:
http://home.mit.bme.hu/~cziborova/indexe.html Introduction
Dóra Cziborová is a PhD student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where she is a member of the Critical Systems Research Group. Her field of research is formal verification, with a focus on model checking of software-based real-time systems. She contributes to the development of the Theta open-source model checking framework. She presented her work titled Combining CEGAR and Lazy Abstraction for Verifying Timed Systems at the Alpine Verification Meeting in 2023.
PhD topic:
Formal verification of real-time software-based systems
List of publications and author profiles: