Welcome to the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering!

Our department consist of about sixty staff members and twenty PhD students. Our main research and education area is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) including embedded systems, intelligent systems and fault tolerant computing.

Dr. László Gönczy
head of department

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We develop and teach courses in several BSc and MSc specializations at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Serveral lectures are also available in English.

Our specializations are related to the fields of embedded systems, intelligent systems, fault tolerant systems and informatics technologies.


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Our research areas include artificial intelligence (lead by Péter Antal), signal processing (lead by Tamás Dabóczi), critical systems (lead by Zoltán Micskei) and embedded systems (lead by Tamás Kovácsházy).


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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (MIT)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Head of Department: dr. László Gönczy

Bldg. I, wing E, level 4, Room IE444.
Magyar tudosok krt. 2. Budapest, Hungary
Postal address: H-1521, Budapest, P.O.box 91, Hungary

Tel.: (+36 1) 463-2057, fax: (+36 1) 463-4112

E-mail: mitadm@mit.bme.hu

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2011. October 26. 08:15

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