Project examples
Interfacing a sensor to your chosen board (any combination of the following is good, a homework don’t need to contain every part, for example remote monitoring is not needed if you implement a graphical user interface)
Using cheap sensor or sensors from ebay or other sorces
- Utrasonic distance sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Infraled distance sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Ambient light sensor …
Using a cheap actuator from ebay or other sources
- Even LEDs can be used as actuator
- DC motor controller
- Sounder, or Buzzer …
- If your card has creating a graphical user interface to the sensor
Giving a remote measurement ability to your sensor
- Through UART
- Through USB (CDC VCP)
- Using some wireless extension module
Implementing a monitoring, or control software on desktop PC
- Any language can be used
- Google protocol buffer can be used as command interface
Other examples
- USB mouse simulator, using the accelerometer, and touch screen of the development board
- FreeRTOS thread monitor using the FreeRTOS’s trace macros, and an external monitor program communicating through UART
- CoreMark benchmark result studying, how the result depend on certain conditions, like ARM Cortex core M0 / M3 / M4 etc, clock speed, Flash accelerator state etc.
Generally, any other interesting idea, that need some development in an ARM Cortex M environment
Submitted by Scherer Balázs on 2022. March 22. 10:03 | Last updated: 2022. March 22. 10:04