
University of Maine, Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

American Association for Artificial Intelligence

Queen Mary University of London

Hewlett-Packard Labs

Stanford University, Knowledge Systems Laboratory

Sandia Labs, Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center

NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA, AI group at Jet Propulsion Laboratory

MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

ARGONNE National Laboratory

DFKI (Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz)

IBM, Artificial Intelligence Research

AIRI (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute)

The University of Edinburgh, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing Group

OFAI (The Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence)

SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center

SAIL (Stanford AI Laboratory)


European AI Society

Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh

Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

NASA Ames Kutatóközpontja

AGIRI (Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute)

Los Alamosi Nemzeti Laboratórium

Berlini Humboldt Egyetem

Fraunhofer Intézet


...az előbbiek mellett még a következő mesterséges intelligencia kutatást végző laboratóriumokat javasoljuk szerte a nagyvilágból:

...illetve a következő nemzetközi MI-cégeket:



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