IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Brussels, Belgium, June 4-6, 1996 Will Measurement Instruments Turn into Agents ? T.P. Dobrowiecki (*), F. Louage (**), T. Mészáros (*), Gy. Román (*), B. Pataki (*) (*) Dept. of Measurement and Instrument Eng., Technical University of Budapest Műegyetem rkp. 9., Budapest, H-1521 Phone (+36)-1-166-4938 E-Mail: (**) Dienst Elec, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussel, B-1050 Phone (+32)-2-629-2946 E-Mail: Abstract Authors investigate implications of agent based software engineering and Internet environment in measurement practice. Measurement 'minded' expert agents and instrument-as-agent approach offer numerous advantages. It would require however reconsideration of certain properties of the measuring equipment and the role of the system controller.